Freitag, 10. April 2009

In the still of the night

In the still of the night

In the still of the night
The full moon
How many times have you witnessed
Quiet souls standing atop balconies
Smoking fags
Thinking of lovers
Once loved, many times lost

As the spring day bids farewell
And night time befalls
Parked cars along dark streets crack
Under cooler temperatures
The distant rush of trains
Along cold rails
Once built, many times past

The occasional man on the street
Beckons to his dog
As if it were his only love
Speaks to it
As if it were his only friend
Does not notice that he isn’t

The moon she watches
How many times she has seen
With that clear white light
She sheds upon these lonely streets
Upon these quiet peoples
Standing still quite unnoticed
Once good, many times frail

In the still of the night
Whence many have gone to sleep
In their slumber quite appeased
The troubled hearts stay awake
Atop balconies with smoking fags
And weary eyes
Once lived, many times died

April 2009

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